-Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine- This is the garden of eden of unpicked orchards. In the long run, you take an elderly person and extract adult stem cell from an organ in their body. You then isolate healthy cells that have not mutated through damage through time. And you reset the telomeres on these isolated stem cells. At this stage you can also insert the genetics that you want into these stem cells. This will combine nicely with genetic engineering.
In Bioreactors you replicate hundreds of millions of these young, healthy stem cells. When that is completed you filter out the bad replications you made, and keep the healthy ones. Then you inject or use some other method to insert these cells into the elderly person's organ. As the elderly person's cells die as usual, and this depends on the cell type, the young, healthy stem cells will replicate themselves and rejuvinate the person's organ. You do this across all cell types in the body, and it is rejuvinated from a cell replication perspective. This isn't a cure all for aging by itself, but we are talking a huge advance.
There is fears that resetting the telomeres could increase cancers. But I feel this is wrong, young people have these healthy cells with long telomeres left, yet are far less likely to get cancer. I believe most cancer is a failure of the immune system. This is why you see AIDS patients getting cancers.
An 80 year old with whole body replacement of the adult stem cells, would actually have healthier stem cells than a 30 year old. Literally have younger cells. Of course after hte original batch of elderly people were treated, the plan would be to do it on a more regular basis. People wouldn't wait until 80 to get going on these procedures, they may start at around 50, and reset the clock.
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