Saturday, December 31, 2011

America and the growth of bureaucracies

What we see happening to America is all these bureaucracies and associated contractors are propelling growth of their area with no regard for the greater good of the society.

Every year the defense department wants to expand its budget and scope.
Every year the prison system wants more prisoners and more money spent per prisoner. Bot the private and public prisons want to expand, along with their unions.
Every year the medical industry wants to grow revenue with no regard for whether this benefits patients.

Education is yet another example, the USA is now spending more per student on education than all the major European nations. But because education is seen to be failing the cries are for more money to the system.

I had to laugh in my area one of the politicians was quoting a police official saying that we need to spend more on policing. Roofer arguing we should spend more on roofing.

At some point the nation needs centralized leadership who thinks about the big picture. But that seems a long way off.

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