Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prediction for jobs over the decade in the UK and solutions

Not enough work to go around.. and the rare time when there is actually demand for something, like beautiful new clusters of condo towers in London, the society is almost violently opposed to allowing it to go forward.  Construction being one of the last bastions where lots of human labour is needed.  It won't be automated for some time to come. 

My estimate is over the next 10 years the employment in Britain will decline by 5 million.  From 29 million to 24 million. 

Society needs an answer to this growing problem.  The elites response so far has been to deny there is a problem.  There are a number of possible solutions:

-Mass public works, from picking up litter to tending gardens in parks, to artwork, to infrastructure - I think this is what New Labour effectively did with the non-jobs.  Except instead of positive things, they added people to watch the CCTV cameras, and people to watch the people watching the CCTV monitors.

-the French solution of shorter working weeks, longer vacations, earlier retirements

-my personal favorite of a citizen's dividend so people can have their basic living costs met and try out ideas for extra cash

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